The newest resource from BAM Adventures is Dad's Anchors: The Nuts and Bolts of Raising Boys. Written by the father-son team of John, Drew, and Tyler Brantley, this book takes the guesswork out of raising boys. It's full of practical, easy to use skills to help transform the father-son relationship. What dad wouldn't want the tools to help his son grow into a strong healthy man!
So, grab your copy of Dad's Anchors in time for Father's Day!
All Material Copyright JTB Communications, inc. and BAM Adventures 2006-2011
Other Resources
As part of every BAM Adventures event, you'll now receive a participant kit that not only contains your discussion guides and materials for the weekend, but also the following resources to help fathers and sons continue to build their relationship once they get home:
- Dad's Anchors: The Nuts and Bolts of Raising Boys - - Storytelling 101 - - 52 Conversations to Have with Your Son - - An audio CD for the Son -